Common Mistakes to Avoid in a GCC CV

mistakes to avoid in a GCC CV

A CV is a document that sells your skills, education, work experience, and accomplishments. It portrays your first impression, telling the hiring team you are the best choice. It is easier to say than to create a compelling CV. If you can avoid some of these common mistakes, you will be able to win the…

Dubai CV Format – How to Write a Good UAE CV (With Template)

Dubai CV Format

Have you ever thought what are the reasons behind not being called for an interview? One of the reasons is the quality of the CV. Many applicants apply for jobs in Dubai, but many applications are not close to the hiring managers’ standards. Your CV is a reflection of your personality. It is the first…

How To Use Perfect Keywords In A CV For GCC

keywords in a CV

Are you planning to apply for a job in the Gulf? If yes, prepare yourself to fight a challenge to beat thousands of other candidates. But first, you must compose a resume that can make you look distinct from a pool of people. The fact is a well-crafted CV acts like a key that can…

How To Structure A CV For Job Applications In The UAE

person writing his CV for job applications

Many job seekers, when searching for jobs in the Gulf countries, especially the UAE, wonder whether there is any particular CV structure for job applications. The simple and short answer to this is “NO!” However, there are specific considerations that you should bear in mind while structuring your new or existing resume for the UAE…

Top 10 Tips To Make a Perfect CV in The Gulf for 2023

Top 10 tips to make a perfect CV in 2023

After deciding which sectors, companies, and locations to target, it is crucial to learn how to write a CV. Why? Because Innumerable job hunters apply for jobs with poor or mediocre jobs and then wonder why they didn’t get a call for an interview. They have a misconception that mentioning where they worked and what…

Make a Job Winning CV to Impress Qatar Employers

12 tips to make a professional CV to impress Qatar employers.

Are you searching for a dream position in Qatar? If yes, we have a valuable suggestion: make the first favourable impression. Wondering how? Implement these tips on writing a Qatar CV to develop the most professional application and first impression. Successfully creating the first positive impression would be the key to securing an interview and…

How to Stand Out in Saudi Arabia With A Professional CV

6 tips to stand out in Saudi Arabia with a professional cv

Saudi Arabia has started numerous projects to end the economic dependency on oil, and as a result, the job market is smoking. If you also want to get the desired position, stick it out with your professional CV and cover letter. A resume is an applicant’s first impression. So, following CV writing tips for Saudi…